I am joining PABAT! again.
Last year, I submitted what I consider a very... mediocre song.. I feel like I have improved a lot since then.
This time, I also created my own BGA, using the very limited skill I have, which consists of using mostly Paint.NET.. haha..
It draws inspiration from retro style BGA, that uses BMP animation (no movie file!)
I hope you enjoy this Drum and Bass track from me!
Thanks a lot to ctc for NORMAL and INSANE charts, even through the struggles with his computer!
초반부의 전개는 별 인상 없었으나 후반부에서 리드가 본격적으로 전개되면서 집중도가 높아졌습니다. 후반부가 정말 괜찮았네요.
패턴은 노멀을 제외하고 주로 킥과 드럼을 같은 라인에 배치시키는 등, 드럼 오브젝트를 반복적으로 사용해서 약간은 반복적이고 지루하다는 느낌을 줍니다. 변화를 살짝 주면 괜찮았겠네요.
dolphin's music is evolving definitely.
However..., when the BASS is weak, it is drum'n'bass whether suspicious ....
Please ring the powerful BASS.
2016-03-31 09:28:44
Glad to hear you think I am improving!
As for the bass..
I tried making it more loud, more distinct.. but it become too loud!!
I wanted to try for a "chilling" atmosphere so I used a more quiet bass.
Thanks for your feedback! :)
그야말로 괄목할 만한 발전입니다! 악곡의 빈틈없는 전개가 정말 맘에 들었습니다. 개인적으로는 Pluck의 Release/Sustain 값을 조금 더 조정해서 쫘아아 쫘아아 거리게 만들었더라면 더 좋았을 것 같습니다!!! 제작 수고하셨습니다!
What a SURPRISE!!!! You've improved a lot!!!! I like your style!
Just my opinion, I think you could fix the main pluck sound more 'sexier' by modifying the Release and Sustain value a little bit. Good job!
2016-03-24 23:24:27
Oh wow! Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the kind words and tips your gave me! :)
2016-03-24 01:29:20
no comment impression.
2016-03-22 15:12:35
music: 곡자체의 전개나 분위기는 좋았습니다. 그런데 D&B라고 부르기에는 좀 애매한 구석이 있네요. chill은 더더욱이요.
엄... 재미있는데...
Drum & Bass 라고하기엔 약간 단조로운 드럼이 아쉽네요..
Chill 도 느껴졌으면 좋았을텐데.. Etherwood 의 노래를 참고하시면 좋을 것 같아요.. 외국분인가라면.. 자체번역..
Umm.. Fun enough..
However, it's monotonous that this track called Drum & Bass...
I want to feel like Chill, but it can not be...
I recommend Etherwood you can do reference Chill like Drum & Bass...
2016-03-16 17:18:13
Oh thanks for giving me a reference!
I will check out Etherwood!
I liked the music but the first half could use more tension - there's little accentuating it, so the build-up lacks impact. I'd suggest using more subtle sounds that add atmosphere (the water drops in the second half are an example and sounded great). I played the another and it was fine but most of the difficulty is packed into the ending which is a little annoying in a lengthier song. Overlays are cool and fit the song well.